Easy Formula For Communications Success

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AuthorKathy Widjaja
UpdatedOctober 22, 2024
Length2 min read

This three-piece communication approach helps boost my bottom-line each week. It’s easy to adopt and your Members will be grateful for the guidance!

While we’re all eager to encourage our Members to fill their baskets each week, pressuring them to do so in the current economic climate can feel insensitive.

We need to respect the fact that a lot of our Members can’t justify extra spending right now – and that’s okay – but we also need to consider our own pocket.

In response to this, I’ve developed a three-piece foolproof formula for boosting my bottom-line, while respecting my Member’s budgets.

It’s a careful balancing act that will pay dividends.

Firstly, I let my Members know about something that’s on special. For example, we’ve got loads of oranges in the market right now.

Anything that’s in season is generally in abundance – and therefore cheap! Not only that, it’s also the freshest, tastiest, highest quality produce you can buy.

It’s important to teach your Members about the perks of seasonal eating, and sharing a weekly produce special is a great way to educate them, while helping them to save.

My second communications focus is on an everyday essential. The key here is to recognise how easy it is to forget those staple products, like milk or oil.

Sending a message as simple as “Hey everyone! Don’t forget to grab your milk”, captures those who would have otherwise completely forgotten.

It’s an easy way to boost your Pod spend by $100, and your Members will be grateful for the friendly reminder!

Last but not least, I wrap up my communication trifecta with a favourite product recommendation. This can come directly from your Members – listen to their feedback and share what stands out.

For example, if people are raving about the blueberry muffins, or how the washing powder works wonders, I’ll share this information with my Pod.

I’ll outline what the product is and why people love it – hence, why other Members will love it too!

Armed with this information, your Members will feel supported to make budget-conscious shopping decisions. It’s a super effective approach for my Pod – I know it can be for yours too!