Minifarms is committed to supporting farmers – you only need to hear their stories to understand why. Here’s a little insight, from the farmers to you!
When a group of Minifarms Leaders recently visited Flemington Markets for a curated tour, they were struck by one clear message the farmers shared – they don’t want their children to take over the family farm.
While the market floor is an amazing, vibrant, fast-moving environment, the stories behind the fresh produce tell of a much sadder reality.
Between extreme weather conditions, market demands, and general industry pressures, it’s hard to stay afloat.
A bout of bad weather can be detrimental to a farmer’s livelihood. It can take six weeks for the ground to recuperate – that’s six weeks until anything can be planted.
Lettuce, for example, takes 12 weeks to grow. Add into the equation a set-back at the start of the season, and the farmer loses nearly half a year by the time their produce is ready to harvest.
But the battle isn’t won yet. Then they must come up against the big supermarkets.
If produce isn’t a specific size, shape or colour, Coles and Woolworths have the power to reject it all – tonnes of fruit and veg, and time and effort, completely wasted.
The farmers who have dealt with these supermarkets in the past say they’ve been burnt by the experience. Now, they just want to protect the next generation from a similar fate.
While Coles and Woolworths price set, Minifarms always pays farmers fairly. We take into consideration all the variables – weather, market demands, and the like – and buy seasonal produce for the true price it’s worth.
By choosing to shop through Minifarms, you’re supporting the hardworking farmers who are dedicated to providing you with all the fresh, high-quality produce you know and love.
Your conscious choice means they can keep doing what they love, and hopefully forge a stable path for their children to follow.
On behalf of our local, Aussie farmers – thank you for choosing Minifarms!